We use the Wednesday Word in school weekly to help prepare Child Led Worship. This webpage will be updated weekly in the new term to include access to the Wednesday Word for the week, to allow you to explore this with your child.

From the end of January, our GIFT team are producing their own weekly podcast, using the Wednesday Word to inform their evangelisation.

Wednesday Word – week beginning 13th May – Pentecost

Wednesday Word – week beginning 6th May – Care

Wednesday Word – week beginning 29th April – Love

Wednesday Word – week beginning 22nd April – Growth

Wednesday Word – week beginning 15th April – Trust

Wednesday Word – week beginning 8th April – Believe

Wednesday Word – week beginning 25th March – Praise

Wednesday Word – Week beginning 18th March –

Our GIFT team were unable to record their weekly podcast this week unfortunately as they were busy preparing for our Holy Week assemblies instead. See our Wednesday Word below instead.

Wednesday Word – Week beginning 11th March – Follow

Our GIFT team had technical difficulties this week with their podcast; please see the Wednesday Word below instead.

Wednesday Word – Week beginning 4th March – Self-giving

Wednesday Word – Week beginning 12th February – Lent

Wednesday Word – Week beginning 5th February – Compassion

Wednesday Word – Weeks of the 5th February, 12th February and 19th February – Healing, Compassion and Lent

Wednesday Word – Week beginning 29th January – Healing

Wednesday Word – Week beginning 22nd January – Teacher

Wednesday Word – Week beginning 15th January – Community

Wednesday Word – Week Beginning 8th January – New Start

Wednesday Word – Christmas Holiday Special

Please take some time with your child over the holidays to explore the Wednesday Words which outlay the Gospel readings for each of the weeks we are not in school.